
from £5.00 every month

Date of Birth: 4 months old
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown and White
Height: 30cm
Temperament: Tino is wonderful with other dogs and a confident little playmate!
Cats: Cat workable

Please note that the purchase options here are to SPONSOR (you can cancel at any time!).

amount per month:

Date of Birth: 4 months old
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown and White
Height: 30cm
Temperament: Tino is wonderful with other dogs and a confident little playmate!
Cats: Cat workable

Please note that the purchase options here are to SPONSOR (you can cancel at any time!).

Date of Birth: 4 months old
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown and White
Height: 30cm
Temperament: Tino is wonderful with other dogs and a confident little playmate!
Cats: Cat workable

Please note that the purchase options here are to SPONSOR (you can cancel at any time!).


Tino was rescued by our partner association Refugio San Anton Moron, he was found in the local village and handed in - we have waited the 10 days to ensure no one has claimed his as missing.

What to say about Tino, he is an absolute little love bug, loves people, loves other dogs! Such a confident little chap and so playful!

Tino could live in a city or rural setting, we think a doggy companion would be lovely for him but he could cope in a home with people that can give him the attention he thrives on. We think he would do well with a family and are happy to cat test and see how he goes.

Don’t be fooled by his size, podenco manettos still require secure 5-6ft boundaries for outside space as what they lack in jumping they can make up for in digging and climbing. That being siad we dont think he needs a garden and could live in a flat.

Tino will be vaccinated and tested for all Mediterranean diseases. He will be passported and available for adoption now to travel in November 2025, but will require neutering at the suitable age when in the home.

If you would prefer to make a one off donation, please click below