The time has finally come… we have launched our first Hope For Podencos range!

Many of our followers over the years have asked for Hope For Podencos products, and whilst we have done a few bits here and there, today is the day we officially launch our web shop!

This is a game changer for us, and we want to get it right, so we are asking you our community to register your interest and feedback so we know what people (& Podencos) want.

We have been working with the incredibly talented Ceal Warnants for our new series Hope, and brought back a previous favourite using our logo!

Here is a sneak peak below…

Not just stopping at clothing we have added some artwork and accessories using both Ceals Hope series and our logo.

We have also been working with Heart & HoundDK to use Ceals Hope fabric to make martingale collars, and more things you can see in the shop for your self!

So for the next two weeks you can let us know what you are interested in by clicking on a product and adding in your email (no commitment to purchase of course!). We have also added a suggestion box to the main shop page for people to be able to add any design feedback or request additional products - come in and take a look!

We are working with other artists and will be releasing further products and designs each month, so you need to keep checking back in for the full range!

We have tried to produce an ethical sustainable range as this is close to our hearts, you can see all product information and size detail in the details section at the bottom of each product.

Once the shop is open for sale, our good friends Toxico will be handling all shipping, unless the product leads to a partner - such as portrait packages that will be coming soon…

We hope you love the range as much as we do!

Many thanks and enjoy! HFP team xxx


Just a little update on our Rita (with some backstory too!)


Who will be the star of the Hope For Podencos 2021 calendar…?