Podenco Ibicenco - Breed Profile

So while we are still trying to find our feet with the blog, we are mixing up our posts a little, you will see this weeks Breed Profile is the Podenco Ibicenco and has been written by our awesome volunteer Danielle!

On our early breed specific posts you wonderful people kindly shared pictures of your Podencos, we would like to just give a little shout out to see if we can get that again, so if you have a Podenco Ibicenco please comment on our social channels so we can see them!


Podenco Ibicenco

The Podenco Ibicenco is another beautiful member of the Podenco family. They are large and lean with slender limbs, a long muzzle and large pointy ears.

They are native to the islands of Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera. It is believed that their ancestors were brought to the islands by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and possibly the Romans.

They are used to hunt rabbits and other small animals, but also big game such as deer and wild boars.

The Podenco Ibicenco comes has two coat types - Smooth haired and Wired haired.

They also come in one size range:

Large - 22 to 29 inches // 56 to 74cm // 20-29kg

The Podenco Ibicenco colour varieties are - Brown, Blonde and White

They are often confused with Pharaoh Hounds, they are incredibly attractive dogs in both looks and nature.

The Podenco Ibicenco can be described as agile, intelligent and active.  They require lots of exercise, can jump great heights from standing, have an amazing ability to climb and their puzzle solving abilities have earned them a reputation as escape artists. 

They are sensitive but can also be stubborn and independent . Their hunting instinct is normally very strong but they are a dog who adore the company of their humans and enjoy outdoor activities with them.

But they are also loving, keen to learn, good with other dogs and children and very loyal. Ibicencos are the real clowns of the dog world revelling in entertaining people with their antics!

Their life span is 10-13 years.

Below are the Podenco Ibicenco that are currently at the Hope For Podencos Centre

We will do our next breed profile in a few weeks so watch this space!

If you would like to help support the Ibicenco pods at the Hope For Podencos Centre you can read all about our Food Fund by clicking the button below.


Claire Martin on Introducing a new dog to the family


Adopting a deaf Podenco